Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pumpkin Pete

Another Sculpey learning experience. Pumpkin Pete (named after my brother, tee-hee) After I made this I went looking for tutorials online about sculpting hands cause these just weren't what I was going for. But again I'm learning, and not too bad for my second attempt at sculpting a figure from scratch. 
I do like his face though, you know that expression "a face only a mother could love" well...LOL
He has a wool tunic tied with a wool sash.
A little pumpkin bauble on his hat.
His hands will hold a sign eventually, when I get it done that is.
Must be Halloween in May. Of course Halloween every day of the year sounds good to me. LOL


Auntie Cake said...

OOOOOHHH, you are so killing me! You REALLY need to move across the street from me!!! Love both your guys!

Capn Badger said...

only ONE comment? This will not stand! Now you'll have at least 2!! As always, love you and love yer stuff, and I get to brag that I see them first! Still ticked that you're more talented than me....